Dad Jokes: We’re Only Human

How does a cowboy catch a herd of runaway eyeballs?
He lash-oes them.


How do eyeballs fight?
They tend to lash out.


What should you wear on your legs at a baseball game?
Knee caps.


What kind of car does a rich knee drive?
A Bent-ly.


What happens if you park your foot in one place for too long?
It gets toe-d.


What fish smells like feet?
Filet of sole.


How come the foot was considered a miracle worker?
It had heel-ing powers.


What’s a good name for a foot?


What’s another good name for a foot?


What does a king’s son always leave on the beach?


What part of the body makes a good pasta sauce?
The toe-mato.


What does the autobiography of a leg talk about?
Its thighs and lows.


Why did the fortune teller move to Florida?
She needed more palms to read.


What’s a good way to carry barbecued food?
In a rib-cage.


How does a chin cross the street?
First he looks right, then cleft.


What’s a good name for a guy with a furry chest?


What’s a good name for a boy with a short haircut?


What magazine do gardeners like to read?
Weeder’s Digest.


What’s a nose’s favorite color?


Why was the nose so poor?
It didn’t have a scent to its name.