Dad Jokes: Getting Around

What’s a good name for a beach?


What’s a good name for a church?


What’s a good name for a museum?


What’s a good name for a place you exercise?


Why did the Volkswagen go to the hospital?
It had a bug.


What is the best thing to wear to a coffee bar?
A tea-shirt.


Why do reporters like to go to ice cream parlors?
Because that’s where they get their scoops.


Why are bank tellers boring at parties?
They act very withdrawn.


What gender are many employees at the Post Office?


Why are supermarkets a good place to meet dates?
You can always check out the possibilities.


Why are manicure salons so neat?
Because they have a good filing system.


How do you catch a street?
You corner it.


What do you call a London policeman?


What is the cleanest city in England?


What do tired, sleepy New Yorkers knit with?


How do pieces of bread in Paris celebrate?
They make a French toast.


Where is the best place to celebrate Thanksgiving?


Where is the best place to buy fancy plates?


What’s the most popular holiday in Egypt?
Mummy’s Day.


In what country do you always need a sweater?


What flavor yogurt grows in the midwestern United States?


Where do sharks go on vacation?


What do Hawaiian cows wear to go out dancing?
Moo moos.


What people walk very fast?


Where do giant sea creatures live?
In Wales.


What’s a good name for a German motorcyclist?


What’s a good name for a highway?


What’s the most important meal of the day for a car?


Why did the car pull over to the side of the road?
It was tire-d.


Are cars fascinating?
Yes, they’re wheely, wheely interesting.


What boat is always sorry for itself?
A woe-boat.


How does the Abominable
Snowman commute?
On an ice-cycle.


Did the bicycle really win the debate?
Nope, it spoke too soon.


What scooter is always depressed?
A mope-ed.


Why do passengers like shopping on their ship?
Because everything is on sail.


Is it expensive to take a taxi to the airport?
No, the rates are usually fare.


Why did the train get fired on its first day of work?
It got off on the wrong track.