Dad Jokes: Food for Thought

Why did the grapefruit get kicked out of the chorus?
He kept hitting sour notes.


How do you get two fruits to dance?
You pear them up.


What happens when a grape is getting old and cranky?
It starts to wine.


What fruit makes drinking easier?
The straw-berry.


What fruit unlocks doors?
The ki-wi.


Why did the banana get a speeding ticket?
He got caught peeling out of the parking lot.


What’s a good name for a fruit?


Why did the police photograph the cup of coffee?
To get its mug shot.


What drink makes you go, “OUCH!”?


What types of jokes do farmers make?
Corn-y ones.


LEM: Hey, did you hear about the new animated movie about the princess who falls in love with a vegetable farmer?
CLEM: Yup, it’s called Beauty and the Beets.


What did the carrot hope for on its vacation?
Peas and quiet.


How do you send a bouquet to someone on Mother’s Day?
You caul-i-flower shop.


What’s the most adorable vegetable in the field?
The cute-cumber.


What vegetable is kept in a cage?
A zoo-chini.


Why was the lettuce a big success?
He had a head for business.


How do you get a piece of bread to do you a favor?
You butter it up.


What do you call a Southwestern dish that’s been in the freezer?
A burrrr-ito.


How do loaves of bread congratulate each other?
With a toast.


What is a sailor’s favorite sandwich?
A sub.


What is a soldier’s favorite sandwich?
The hero.


Why does bread get fat?
Because it loafs around all day.


What egg wears cowboy boots?
A Western omelet.


What noise do stolen hamburgers set off?
Burger alarms.


What’s a clock’s favorite meal?
Minute steak.


What kind of pasta has lots of pimples?


What’s a good snack to eat on Father’s Day?


Why couldn’t the egg get good reception on his television?
All the channels were scrambled.


What’s a good name for an egg?


What do you eat for lunch in a cemetery?
Tomb-atoes and grave-y.


Why don’t detectives make good vegetarians?
Because they’re always on steak-outs.


How do you know when seafood makes you sick?
Your skin gets clammy.


What’s a good name for a hot dog?


What’s a good name for a hamburger?


What language do cold cuts speak?


Where does spaghetti go to dance?
To a meat-ball.


Which sandwich tastes best at the beach?
Peanut butter and jelly-fish.


On which day of the week does ice cream taste best?


What dessert helps you drink your milk?


How does a piece of pie see the future?
Through a crust-al ball.


What candy shrinks when you put it in the dryer?
Cotton candy.


What happens if you put too many cocoa beans in your mouth?
You choke-a-lot.


What do sweet, old ladies walk with?
Sugar canes.


What language do pastries speak?


What do balloons drink at birthday parties?
Soda pop.


What candy do teeth love most?
Gum-my bears.


What do poor squirrels hunt for in the winter?


What treat do they serve in prison?
Jail-y doughnuts.


Why didn’t the doughnut like the brownie?
It was a bit nutty.


Why didn’t the oatmeal cookie like the chocolate cookie?
It had a chip on its shoulder.


What is the sweetest Christmas song?
Frosting, the Snow Man.


When are newlyweds the sweetest ?
When they’re on their honey-moon.


Why was everyone clapping for the bowl of rice?
Because it was puddin’ on a great show.