Dad Jokes: What’s Up, Doc?

How did the cold spread?
It flu.


Where do you catch colds?
On a choo-choo train.


Why doesn’t the chin like the nose?
The chin thinks the nose is stuffy.


Why did the ship sneeze?
It had a mast-y cold.


Why did the cow stay home with a cold?
She was milking it for all it was worth.


Why did the computer stay home from school?
It had a virus.


How can you tell your neck is angry?
You’ve got a sore throat.


What kind of shots do sick hunters fire when they go hunting?
Flu shots.


What part of your body can finish a marathon?
Your runny nose.


How come the man is always burping?
He works at a gas station.


What allergy makes horses sneeze?
Hay fever.


BUNNY: Hey, doc, how bad is it?
DOCTOR: Well, you’ve got a hare-line fracture.


Why couldn’t the foot afford to buy a new shoe?
Because it was broke.


How did the doctor tell her patient he broke his foot?
She braced him for the bad news.


What injury do bullfighters get?
Spain-ed ankles.


Why did the leaf go to the hospital?
It had a bad fall.


What do dogs fear most at the vet?
Getting a cat-scan.


What disease do old roofs get?


What’s a good name for an eye doctor?