Dad Jokes: Keeping Score

How does a chef catch a baseball?
With an oven mitt.


Why is baseball the richest sport?
It’s the only one played on a diamond.


How do you get water at a baseball game?
Ask for a pitcher.


Why was the insect such a bad baseball player?
It kept hitting fly-balls.


What sport makes a lot of noise at night?


What sports do nearsighted people play?
Contact sports.


Why was the tennis player told to quiet down?
He was making a racket.


What kind of raft melts in water?
An ice cream float.


How do you decorate a rowboat for Christmas?
You hang oar-naments on it.


What type of shirt should rowers on a boat wear?
Crew neck.


What boats talk too much?


Why do people enjoy fishing so much?
It’s a sport you can really get hooked on.


What did the scuba diver say when he was given more air?


Why are roller blades good to use?
Because they keep you in-line.


What’s the best season for sky-diving?


What sport do trains sign up for at school?
Track and field.


What earrings do basketball players wear?


What sport is played on a carpet?


What sport is played in between two mountains?


What kind of parties do shoes attend?


Why did the football player buy a lawn mower?
He had a lot of yards to go.


What did the coach yell when the telephone didn’t return his money?
“Hey! I want my quarter back!”


What snack do ducks serve at Super Bowl parties?
Quackers and cheese.


Why didn’t the hen go bungee cord jumping with the turkeys?
She was chicken.


Why are couches good to bungee jump with?
They cushion your fall.


How did the ski instructor get to the top of the mountain?
He got a lift.


What chairs are popular at tennis matches?
Love seats.


What do golfers wear at tournaments?
Tee shirts.


How do you learn to play golf?
Take a golf course.


What’s a golfer’s favorite lunch?
A club sandwich.


What happens when golfers gossip?
They can be very caddy.


Why did the polo player get in trouble?
He was horsing around on the field.


Why did the pool player take so long to make his shot?
He was waiting for his cue.


What’s so great about running marathons?
They jog your memory.